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Snow Black : Ebony Black Bride

Snow Black - Ebony Black Bride Form 1
Snow Black - Ebony Black Bride Form 1
Snow Black - Ebony Black Bride Form 2
Snow Black - Ebony Black Bride Form 2
Snow Black - Ebony Black Bride Form 3
Snow Black - Ebony Black Bride Form 3


Unit Name : Snow Black - Ebony Black Bride

Element : Dark

Weapon : Spear (1st) & Greatsword (2nd)

Conjures : Kuromori


Part 1-3

Whatever you do, do not ask her where she got that dress. It's the surest way to put her in a nasty mood. She won't ever admit it, but the dress looks just like the one she got from him-the person who once was her real family, even if only in a dream.Whatever you do, do not ask her where she got that dress. It's the surest way to put her in a nasty mood. She won't ever admit it, but the dress looks just like the one she got from him-the person who once was her real family, even if only in a dream.

Apapun yang kamu lakukan, jangan tanyakan darinya di mana dia mendapatkan gaun itu. Itu pasti membuat suasana hatinya memburuk. Dia tidak akan pernah mengakui itu, tetapi gaun itu terlihat persis seperti yang dulu dia dapatkan dari dia - orang yang dulu benar-benar menjadi keluarganya, bahkan jika hanya dalam mimpi.

Active Skill

  • Skill Name : Dark Summons

    Spirit : +1

    Target : 1

    TU : 70

    Description :
    75% damage to 1 enemy. If the user's current HP is at 50% or less, exchanges the user's current HP with the amount of HP the user has currently lost. Otherwise, adds 2 Kuromoris to the very end of allied reinforcements
    Deskripsi :
    Memberikan 75% kerusakan ke 1 musuh. Jika HP pengguna saat ini adalah 50% atau lebih sedikit, pengguna akan menukar HP saat ini dengan jumlah HP yang hilang. Jika tidak, menambahkan 2 Kuromori ke reinforcements.

  • Skill Name : Blood Revelry

    Spirit : -2

    Target : 1

    TU : 100

    Description :
    Sacrifices the last unit in the allied reinforcements for 600% damage to 1 enemy. The user recovers HP to 100% of its own max. This attack ignores enemy damage reduction effects. If there are no allied reinforcements left, sacrifices all ally Kuromoris on the battlefield instead. Cannot be used if there are no allied reinforcements left unless there is an ally Kuromori on the battlefield.
    Deskripsi :
    Mengorbankan unit terakhir dari reinforcements untuk memberikan 600% kerusakan ke 1 musuh. Pengguna memulihkan 100% HP. Serangan ini mengabaikan efek reduction. Jika tidak ada rekan, mengorbankan semua Kuromori yang ada di dalam battlefield. Tidak dapat digunakan jika tidak ada rekan di reinforcements atau tidak ada Kuromori di battlefield

  • Skill Name : Little Dark Garden

    Spirit : -4

    Target : All Enemies

    TU : 160

    Description :
    500% damage to all enemies. This attack ignores the Stealth status effect and enemy damage reduction effects. Usable if the user has defeated 1+ units with attacks while on the battlefield
    Deskripsi :
    Memberikan 500% kerusakan ke semua musuh. Serangan ini mengabaika status Stealth dan efek reduction. Hanya dapat digunakan jika pengguna telah mengalahkan 1 musuh dengan serangan di battlefield.

  • Skill Name : Light Transformation

    Spirit : 0

    Target : -

    TU : 0

    Description :
    Stuns 1 enemy for 150TU and the user transforms back into Snow White. Snow White will return with full HP, will be treated as a new conjured unit, and is considered to have entered the battlefield upon transformation. Locked until a non-conjured ally on the battlefield is defeated or sacrificed by any source. Snow Black cannot activate any other active skills while this skill is unlocked. When a unit transforms, it is not considered to have been defeated or sacrificed.
    Deskripsi :
    Stun 1 musuh sealma 150TU dan user berubah menjadi Snow White. Snow White akan kembali dengan HP penuh dan akan diperlakukan sebagai unit conjured baru, dan baru dianggap masuk battlefield setelah transformation. Dikunci selama rekan non-conjured di battlefield dikalahkan atau dikorbankan. Snow Black tidak dapat mengaktifkan skill lain jika skill ini terbuka. Ketika berubah, ini tidak dianggap dikalahkan atau dikorbankan.

Passive Skill

  • Passive Name : Darkest Night

    Description :
    This unit will immediately get the turn by having its TU reduced to 0 and add 2 Kuromoris to the very end of allied reinforcements whenever it enters the battlefield from reinforcements or transformation.
    Deskripsi :
    Unit ini langsung menerima giliran dengan mengurangi TU menjadi 0 dan menambahkan 2 Kuromori ke reinforcements paling akhir kapan pun ia memasuki battlefield dari reinforcements atau transformation.

  • Passive Name : Hold Ground+

    Description :
    If this unit would be defeated, it instead survives with 1 HP and then cannot be defeated until its next turn. This effect can trigger only once each time this unit enters the battlefield (at the start of battle, from reinforcements, or from transformation).
    Deskripsi :
    Jika unit ini akan dikalahkan, unit ini akan bertahan dengan 1 HP dan tidak dapat dikalahkan sampai giliran selanjuntya. Efek ini hanya dapat dipicu sekali setiap unit ini masuk ke battlefield(saat memasuki pertarungan, dari reinforcements, atau dari transformation).

  • Passive Name : Sword Hunter Lv3

    Description :
    10% bonus to attacks against units equipped with Swords.
    Deskripsi :
    10% Serangan tambahan ke unit yang menggunakan Swords.

  • Passive Name : HP Up Lv3

    Description :
    Adds 1200 to this unit's max HP.
    Deskripsi :
    Menambahkan 1200 Max HP ke unit ini.

  • Passive Name : Attack Up Lv3

    Description :
    Adds 300 to this unit's Attack.
    Deskripsi :
    Menambahkan 300 Attack ke unit ini.

  • Passive Name : Greatsword Mastery

    Description :
    Can use weapon skills of Greatswords in addition to their original preferred weapon type.
    Deskripsi :
    Bisa menggunakan Greatswords dan efek weaponnya juga berpengaruh.
