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Jeanne, Savior Betrayed

Jeanne, Savior Betrayed

Story Name : Jeanne, Savior Betrayed

Chapters : 5

Synopsis : Once again, Jeanne was considered a witch by the residents of one village. This continued until something bad was done by the villagers to Jeanne

Sinopsis : Lagi-lagi, Jeanne dianggap sebagai penyihir oleh warga satu kampung. Hal ini terus berlanjut sampai sesuatu buruk telah dilakukan oleh warga desa kepada Jeanne.

Daftar Chapter

  1. I. The Witch of the Ruins
  2. II. The Memories of Flames
  3. III. A Brief Respite
  4. IV. Forgotten Voices
  5. V. Her True Revealed

